How long does it take to settle a car wreck negligence case?

If you were in a car accident in Tampa, Florida, and have made claims to your insurance company, it is natural to wonder how long it will take to receive a settlement. There could be many reasons for your concern: the medical expenses you have had to pay, your financial position due to loss of wages, and your inability to return to work due to the injuries suffered. This article explains the aspects of your case that could affect the timing of your settlement.

The good news is that most claims are straightforward, and there is sufficient proof of liability. These are settled easily within a few months. It is particularly easy when documents like hospital and treatment bills can establish medical damages. Unfortunately for the claimant, some cases take years to settle and may require much follow-up and lawsuit threats before they are concluded. You will be better served by seeking legal assistance from a Tampa car accident lawyer who understands some of these cases’ contentious nature.

How severe are the injuries?

If the damages you claim are quite low, most insurance companies will settle the matter swiftly. However, if the medical bills seem inflated to the insurance company and it does not seem to match the nature of injuries, it may warrant further investigation. Such double-checking can delay the time taken for settlement

What is the attitude of the insurance company?

Some insurance companies tend always to offer lower settlements than others. These are normally large companies with experts and attorneys at their service. Because of their legal know-how, such insurance companies are more confident about settling matters with smaller payouts. In some smaller insurance companies, the claims adjuster has to work through large volumes of claims. It leads to delays in the settlement offer made to accident victims. Another factor is the claims process followed by the insurance company. Those that have much red-tape with multiple reviews and managerial approvals will take time to settle.

What factors caused the accident?

Sometimes liability is not easy to establish.  Comparative negligence cases where both the drivers are at fault take time to understand and document. There may be cases where the accident happened due to state agencies’ improper maintenance, like unlit roads or malfunctioning traffic lights. In cases like these, the insurance company’s claims adjuster may take more time to conclude.

Has your attorney advised you to wait?

Sometimes an attorney may advise you not to sign your settlement papers as soon as they are given. In cases where you are undergoing treatment, they may prefer that you wait until it is clear how long you will need medical attention and what the costs are likely to be. He or she may also ask you to wait until the impact of your injuries on your future earning potential can be better understood. Your Tampa car accident lawyer may be able to negotiate a better deal for you.

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