How Many Beetle Species Exist in the USA?

Are you seated? Good. Because the number I am about to tell you may be shocking enough to make you light headed. I kid of course. But these numbers are crazy.

We have all seen a few different types of beetle in the summertime. When you were a kid you would see them all over the playground. As an adult you may hear them hit your window at night. So, it would make sense if there were 50 beetle species in the USA, right? Well, you would be wrong.

There are over 30,000 species of beetle in the USA! You don’t know about most of them because they stay hidden in remote wooded areas where they can munch on dead organic material to their heart’s content. The ones you do know about are the ones which spill over into the urbs and suburbs.

Some of them are tiny little bugs that look like a speck of dirt while others can be larger than a silver dollar. There are literally too many beetles to list in this article.

Antelope beetle, lady beetle, horned beetle, bean leaf beetle, potato beetle… the list could go on and on. One type of beetle to be aware of are any of the types which feed on lumber. They and other wood-eating insects (like the termite) can cause massive damage to your home. If you think you have an insect problem then reach out to your local pest control agent. Pest control agents here in Melbourne, FL have many decades experience of dealing with these bugs and we bet your local company does as well.

Never be afraid to claim your territory and keep it bug free. You just have a few hundred or thousand square feet of living space. Beetles and other insects have billions of feet of living space. They can be deprived of your space and they will be just fine.

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