Divorce Law attorneys – Things you Should Consider about them When Hiring one to Represent your Case

Divorce is a stressful time where the sufferer needs proper legal guidance. Other than the emotional wreck that has to be sorted, there are a lot of legal procedures that have to be taken care of. Things are particularly hard when the divorce isn’t a mutual one. They get even harder when parental custody is involved. Which is why it gets essential that you hire a knowledgeable matrimonial and divorce litigation lawyer. The features that will help you in picking such lawyers are listed below.

  • Look at the reviews from the previous clients. For example, Andrew Heft is one such lawyer that you should hire. You can read all Andrew Heft reviews from his past clients at divorcelawyermontreal.ca.
  • Look at the experience of the lawyer. A lawyer who has spent more time in the courtroom will be able to handle things better.

That said, you might be interested in learning a bit about the mostly asked questions about divorce and alimony. If so, then just read through. 

  1. Am I Eligible to get the Alimony?

According to one of the most successful divorce lawyers, Andrew Heft, this is the mostly asked question. The answer is listed below.

Your chances at alimony are higher if:

  • Your financial status is weaker than your spouse.
  • If you are unemployed.
  • If you win parental custody.
  • If you have suffered any kind of physical or mental torture in your marriage.
  1. Will I be Jailed for Adultery?

No, you cannot be jailed for adultery. It is, though, a solid ground for divorce and will increase the chances that your spouse will get higher alimony.

  1. Is it necessary that women will get child’s custody?

No. Gender has nothing to do with parental custody under the modified Canadian divorce law. The factors that will determine whether or not you get the child’s custody are listed below.

  • The judge will look into your social conduct.
  • Your temperament will be taken into consideration.
  • You will be denied custody if you have a history of alcoholism or substance abuse.
  • The wish of the child – if more than 12 years of age – will be taken into serious consideration.
  • Your physical condition should be good to take care of the child.
  • You should have an emotional connection with your child.

So, if you have been the one who has spent more time with the child and you have better social skills, you are most likely to win the custody battle. 

All in all, facts have to be presented and argued in the court very strongly. Which is why the experience and qualification of an attorney matters. 


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